Saturday, August 10, 2013

Farmers market and fried Beer battered zucchini flowers

Went to the farmers market early in the morning today and got some lovely organic produce. It was nice sunny Saturday with just a hint of breeze...

So found some Luscious organic peppers

Wide array of fruits 

and flowers

And and juicy!

The place was just bustling with people and good energy

I also got some fresh crunchy Zucchini flowers! Which ever since I saw David Rocco on Dolce Vita prepare...I have been dying to try ! Bless the man

Washed and cleaned ready to be fried in beer batter ;)

Heineken it is :)

There they are, the lovelies swimming in hot sesame oil calling out to me :)

A few minutes later...CRUNCHhhhh! :)

Ah bliss! Alls well that ends well.
It was a good day after all and I'm thankful


  1. U r blessed!! Lovely fruits n veggies, yumm.. n off course .. lovely people around!! Stay blessed, stay happy!!

  2. So neat n clean nice colorful fruit n vegetable shops. Yame...... crunchy n crispy flower's omelette you have made........U r a creative/innovative kitchen Mistress . Enjoy everything in the life. God bless you n b happy.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Creatively done di....ajhai majja auntyoh taste garnu pakoh bah...hehe....

  5. Hehe tyei Ta! One fine day pakka

  6. all things bright and beautiful
