Friday, September 20, 2013


I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, "This is what it is to be happy.” 

Dew on grass and morning sunlight 

a spot of color

blue beauties 

artwork on a bed of moss and twigs

Diamonds on spiderwebs

natures jewels

water on ivy

the road that leads nowhere and yet everywhere slowly brings in the fall

a riot of passionate flames

 the fragile whites merrily spray the wayside 

the sun kisses the majestic redwood tree

c'est la vie......

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Extraordinary scenes of an ordinary morning

Every morning does not start with life...I saw death today as I walked home after reaching my boy halfway to school. A dead crow lay on the sidewalk in rigor mortis though its shiny black plumes still shone in the sunlight.  
Death is inevitable and it never I walked away after capturing the dead bird  in a picture.It will remind me of the transience of life and how we should live every moment mindfully

Life is truly a gift

This little kiddie park just below where I stood in the shade . The sunlight approaches it gradually as I watch from a wooden park-bench. The swing beckoned me to throw off my shoes,run in the sand and sit on it but I know if I sit on it,it might not hold my weight.
Reminded me of my childhood days I spent swinging in the early spring on a swing my father made...

People may call me eccentric,I really don't care,I just lay down on the park-bench staring at this beautiful piece of sky feeling truly wonderful and free as I listened to the birds chirping and squirrels going about their breakfast on the trees.

I love to dry flowers. I dried this bunch in the lovely sun upside down  and used them to brighten up the house. This bunch looked especially pretty this morning. The white ones came from the flowers hubby gave on our anniversary almost two months ago and the purple came from the farmers market.
 Its the simple things that give happiness the most

Nothing fills my heart with joy than the early morning sun filtering through nooks and cracks,doors and windows.

Food for the soul,dried cranberries and assortment of nuts

Candy crush makes life a little sweeter! :)

In this jumble of trees that overlook the golf course live hundreds of squirrels and birds. I especially love the scent of the eucalyptus trees that waft every time a soft breeze blows.

Life is beautiful if you know where to look...

<3 love and peace to all

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Things lost and found

Found this lovely abandoned nest at Bayland Park last weekend as I was sitting under a hillock surrounded by Eucalyptus trees. It intrigued me and I imagined little hatch-lings that eventually flew away. A dry Eucalyptus leaf was sowed on among the fiber,very strong,maybe that's what attached it to the tree.

The boys were trying to fly their kites,fighting the erratic wind,not succeeding as it came in gusts and died down. Maybe not kite season yet. A Hawaiian festival music played merrily behind me at the picnic spot..the ukulele reminding me of the blue waters and tropical flowers I have yet to see. My heart lurched every time a cool wind nearly blew my straw hat away. I squatted down on the grass and watched people go by,running, laughing,kids playing; life itself in its easy momentum,just flowing. 

I exhaled...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Life love and etchings on my heart

Of all the things in this world there is nothing more precious than a gift from a child; a funny shaped leaf,a feather lying in the grass,lost random sequins that shine brighter than diamonds,buttons and pebbles that are more precious than chunks of gold. Being a mom is one of the greatest joys of life;though not always rosy, it has its many privileges.
Like this one evening after dinner lying in bed talking like we always do, he made me these beauties that  will always be etched in my heart even if soap washed it all away...

A child's love can take the sting away no matter how big the someone once said 'love makes the world go around'

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Farmers market and fried Beer battered zucchini flowers

Went to the farmers market early in the morning today and got some lovely organic produce. It was nice sunny Saturday with just a hint of breeze...

So found some Luscious organic peppers

Wide array of fruits 

and flowers

And and juicy!

The place was just bustling with people and good energy

I also got some fresh crunchy Zucchini flowers! Which ever since I saw David Rocco on Dolce Vita prepare...I have been dying to try ! Bless the man

Washed and cleaned ready to be fried in beer batter ;)

Heineken it is :)

There they are, the lovelies swimming in hot sesame oil calling out to me :)

A few minutes later...CRUNCHhhhh! :)

Ah bliss! Alls well that ends well.
It was a good day after all and I'm thankful

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Evening Sky

From the pigeon pooped park bench,
I could see the wonder
that of an evening sky...